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openFormats New version of openFormats with improved ODR/ODD file formats.With future GIMS (from 3Doomer) scripts you will can import it into 3D Max. Read the rest of this entry »

April 13th, 2011OpenIV bug tracking system

I remind you that with release of OpenIV 0.9.1 we was launched bug tracking system, which you can report OpenIV bugs and track their status.

OpenIV bug-tracker here: https://openiv.com/bugs/

Also you can go to it by using OpenIV main menu “Help-> Report a bug.”

You no need register to get access to bug-tracker, but after registration you can change language interface of bug-tracker in “Preferences” section.

Also you can see “Road map” and “Change log” sections that based on data in bug-tracker.

In soon time, I plan open few sections on this site. One of them will be OpenIV/openFormats F.A.Q.(Frequently Asked Question(s)) section. Please, leave your questions in comments. This questions will fill future FAQ section.


Here is new openFormats beta with new beta version of WFT Viewer and first WDR/WDD open/save ability.


List of changes in code form OpenIV 0.9.1 (build 240):

  • Fixed WDR/WDD Viewer not working bug. [0000018]
  • New WFT Viewer with support models hierarchy. Also it have three rendering mode:
    • Geometry – Render model geometry with textures (like WDR/WDD Viewer)
    • Bounds – Render collision bounds (like WBN/WBD Viewer)
    • Skeleton – Not available now.
  • WDR/WDD support
    • Opening WDR/WDD files.
    • Saving WDR/WDD files. (You can try resave your own files)
    • ODR Exporter, now is can export only skeleton.
  • Improved OpenIV Resources Explorer with better WDR/WDD/WFT/WAD support.
  • Minor changes.

Это новая версия openFormats которая включает в себя новый WFT Просмоторщик (бета версия) и первый этап поддержки WDR/WDD файлов.


Список изменений в коде с момента выпуска OpenIV 0.9.1 (сборка 240)

  • Исправлена ошибка в  WDR/WDD Просмоторщике. [0000018]
  • Новый WFT Просмоторщик с поддержкой иерархии модели. Есть три режима рендеренга:
    • Geometry –  Рендеринг геометрии модели с текстурами (как в WDR/WDD Viewer)
    • Bounds – Рендеринг коллизий (как в WBN/WBD Viewer)
    • Skeleton – Не доступно сейчас.
  • Поддержка WDR/WDD
    • Открытие WDR/WDD файлов.
    • Сохранение WDR/WDD файлов. (Вы можете попробовать пере-сохранить ваши файлы)
    • Экспорт ODR , сейчас работает только для скелета.
  • Обновленный OpenIV Resources Explorer с улучшенной поддержкой WDR/WDD/WFT/WAD файлов.
  • Мелкие изменения.


OpenIV 0.9.1 (build 240, openFormats)

OpenIV 0.9.1 (build 260, openFormats)

After 768 days from last public OpenIV has been released.  And today, at last, released new version of OpenIV with openFormats support. OpenIV 0.9.1 is big step forward in OpenIV development and in all GTA IV modding. Most parts of OpenIV code has been rewrite, so now it more faster and stably than previous versions. At last now OpenIV can work fine with all versions and patch’s of Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty city collection.

Download OpenIV 0.9.1 (build 240, openFormats)


Finally full work collision available for GTA Modding community. GIMS are updated – 03/01/2011.

Download links: Read the rest of this entry »

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