Today I show you our plans to OpenIV development for 2011. This roadmap had been much corrected after some OpenIV uses actions.

So, in the near future (2011 year) will be released two version of OpenIV. First is Codename “maintenance one” (0.9.3) and second Codename “motion” (0.9.4), here is more information about each version.

OpenIV 0.9.3 – Codename “maintenance one”
This version is plain to release in near weeks or month and will be constant only error fixing and system OpenIV changes. Here is key changes:

  • Web-based installer. Yes, this it is, begins with this version OpenIV will be distribute only with web installer. Downloadn full OpenIV archive will not be able. Also you will can’t to copy OpenIV form one PC to another.
  • Automatic update. Finally OpenIV will have auto updater, this will always update OpenIV to lasted version.
  • Automatic error report sending. If in OpenIV runtime you will get some error report about this error will be automatic send to out server.

OpenIV 0.9.4 – Codename “motion”
In this version will be implement all other improvements and suggestion. Also in this version will continue work with openFormats and OpenIV tools.

Don’t forget you always can see current version of OpenIV roadmap here.