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August 6th, 2008Tags in OpenIV

To facilitate navigation of multiple files GTAIV, I added to OpenIV system allowing add tags to files.
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This three original wallpaper from GTA IV:

oscafe.png osdefault.png osoleg.png
(Click on image for download)

July 18th, 2008Textures

xtd.png - Picamatic - upload your images

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July 17th, 2008New screenshots…

In fact, these screenshots aren’t entirely new, I simply forgot to publish them in the previous message. Read the rest of this entry »

Today i’ve begun to fill in resource archive with GTA IV files , and first files are files from `data` dir :
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July 15th, 2008OpenIV – old screens…

There are old screenshots of OpenIV, some of them had not previously been published.

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