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December 6th, 2008Level UP

Today I working with GTAIV PC textures. And:


Yes, now I can View and Replace PC textures in *.wtd files. Now I working to support this in OpenIV.
More news about PC version of OpenIV soon…

November 21st, 2008OpenIV 0.6 – New UI video

Download HD version (3,64 Mb)

November 15th, 2008New domain

Today our blog finally moved to new short domain (http://OpenIV.com). The old domain now redirects to new, and rss feeds with old address will not work now. Please update the url in your rss-reader to always know the latest news OpenIV.

Messages in Russian: https://openiv.com/?cat=4
Messages in English: https://openiv.com/?cat=3

Russian RSS: https://openiv.com/?feed=rss2&cat=4
English RSS: https://openiv.com/?feed=rss2&cat=3

October 28th, 2008OpenIV 0.6 – new UI…

After 0.6 version OpenIV. has a new improvements user interface.

DisignPreview_NewUI.png - image uploaded to Picamatic

The following provided some new OpenIV screenshots.

Read the rest of this entry »

September 30th, 2008“…when september end’s”

Today we have last update in this september.
Now to download available archive with five timecyc files.

  • timecyc.dat
  • timecyclemodifiers.dat
  • timecyclemodifiers2.dat
  • timecyclemodifiers3.dat
  • timecyclemodifiers4.dat

Download all in one archive.

September 22nd, 2008Second video of The First mod ;)

I bring to your attention the second video of the first ever mod for GTA IV.
This video on YouTube.
Read the rest of this entry »

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